my Angels , My Friends

I never though that I would find
Friends so great that friends so kind
I look up to you in every way
I learn from you everyday

Without you don't know where I would be
But you're still here with me
You deserve so much more than I could give
Without you I wouldn't live

You are give me more than money I can buy
And for you I would give my all
This feeling gets stronger everyday
Hoping not to mess it up, I constantly pray

I know we have problems every now and then
But once it's fixed,our relationship is ten time better
I want to know that I truly do care

Even in fights when I say things that are not true

It doesn't matter what you do or say
Because you would still be my friends anyway
I know the real you deep down inside
And I you will always confide

This poem is especially dedicatednto my friends in from 5 cemerlang SMK SP
Now and then
And whenever it seems like I'm never there

love 4eva

Saturday 24 December 2011

mimpi kembali

Di kala kau tiada,
aku tercari-cari,
aku seperti kehilangan sesuatu ,
yang selalu membuat ku bahagia,
apakah maknanya,
Aku di hantui perasaan ini,
aku gembira akan perasaan ini,
apakah maknanya,
Saat kau hadir di luar dan di dalam mimpi ku,
aku seolah-olah menemui jalan hidupku,
adakah ia kerna kamu,
aku gembira,
aku suka,
aku cinta akan rasa ini,
Saat kau dihadapanku,
aku terpaku melihatmu,
aku memerhati setiap gerak-geri mu,
aku terpegun melihat engkau berkata-kata,
Indah nya melihat gelak tawamu,
bahagianya melihat senyuman mu,
andaikan aku di ciptakan untuk mu,
akan ku cinta dirimu sehingga hujung nyawa ku,
Engkau yang teristimewa,
engkaulah yang satu di setiap sudut hati ku,
kau lah insan yang ku cintai,
namu ada saja penghalang diantara cinta kita,
Adakah kita akan dapat bersama,
Hanya Tuhan Yang Tahu Apa YAng Terbaik Untuk Kita....

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